Practical emergency and critical care veterinary nursing

Aldridge, Paul

Practical emergency and critical care veterinary nursing - Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.

This book is a quick reference focusing on the practical application of emergency and critical care skills, including step-by-step guides with detailed photographs to assist the reader. Many common techniques are described in detail, along with the required hands-on nursing care and after-care.

Triage and assessment of emergency patient --
Monitoring critical patients --
Vascular access --
Shock and intravenous fluid therapy --
Blood gas, acid-base analysis, and electrolyte abnormalities --
Analgesia and anaesthesia of the emergency and critical patient --
Practical laboratory techniques --
Techniques for oxygen supplementation --
The dyspnoeic patient --
Nursing the cardiac patient --
Nursing the acute abdomen patient --
Nursing urinary tract emergencies --
Nursing the poisoned patient --
Nursing the trauma patient --
Nursing the reproductive patient --
Small animal critical care and hospitalised patient nutrition --
Nursing the emergency ophthalmology patient --
Cardiopulmonary arrest and resuscitation --
Nursing considerations in the critical patient.


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